Oh hi, Viv here (vivien.tanshihui@gmail.com)

Saturday 28 September 2013

Haha sigh pies, got tricked again. Kylie asked if she could snooze in my hall before her singing practice and well that was believable too cause she's such a busy girl and was really tired the entire week. 
But wow I was fooled, for real. 

1. Didn't know she was coming with a cake (cause she was there when my A&F friends celebrated)
2. Didn't know Amanda the amazing @listoraphy9 was with her

After awhile Kylie asked 'Hey why didn't you ask how we even got into your hall' They actually got one of their other friends living in hall 16 to open the door for them. Aww thank you unknown friend for tapping them in ahahha. Thanks for bothering to come over together with the yummy cheesecake, I know you people in Viscomm are really busy and Amanda even had a shoot to rush off for. Thank you I really appreciate it although I greeted you guys at the door with eyes half open (was like lying on the bed hahaha) Thankful I've got you guys in ADM with me cause I get free hugs all the time when I bump into you guys in school. And most importantly for wanting to be there whenever I need. 

I'm here too wheneverrr <3 

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