Oh hi, Viv here (vivien.tanshihui@gmail.com)

Tuesday 1 April 2014

What are we rushing for

The failed hard boiled egg on Instagram (@vivtanshithui) has sparked off more compliments that I've expected hahah it's so funny. But yay ok happy that I don't seem like such a failure with that egg. Thank you nice friends for being so cute about it haha. 

This end of semester has been the worst I've encountered thus far and I'm pretty sure for many others. I wonder when all this mad rush will ever end, it feels like it's on repeat and life it just all about rushing for something (which we aren't even sure of ourselves). It's so sad. I don't want to be doing this all my life, and so do many others. But why is it still hapenning?!! I feel that I'm rushing, towards my end of sem. But that isn't what I want though. I want to have some time and space in school to engage in more intellectual projects. Things that are more large scale and ambitious? Sometimes all we need is time and space to be open and observe the things around us. Then we'd be inspired. I wonder why I always find it so hard to do on a project that I feel so strongly about. Why does inspiration not come by as easily as I thought it would, yknow?

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