Oh hi, Viv here (vivien.tanshihui@gmail.com)

Monday 9 February 2015

Balloon surprise

Happy 18th 

So basically planned this with her dear friend Beatrice while back when I was still in Germany. (Thanks for doing this Beatrice!) It's been awhile since I last saw my sister plus she has been so busy with school and so was I. Had chilli crab as cake (kinda) because that's her ultimate fav, had Sophie over too and we were taking turns to inhale helium haha. I'm glad my sis and I stop bickering at a younger age, probably when she stopped stealing my friendship bands hahahaa I've no idea why she kept stealing those while I kept finding out. Just sleeping in the same room and having some short random conversations before we sleep remind me that I'm extremely thankful that you're my sister

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